The Lodger
The Lodger is a thought provoking, sometimes tragic, sometimes hilarious tale which follows the journey of the show's eponymous character who is 'hidden homeless' - a term referring to someone who has no fixed address.
The Lodger spends her time travelling from place to place without any sense of stability; she is relentless and running into the unknown. Through live original music, captivating storytelling, and side-splitting comedy, The Lodger explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the enduring power of home.
Prepare to be moved, probed, and inspired by this unforgettable theatrical experience. As you are invited to look at your own mask and ask 'Does it still fit?'
Writer & performer – Dora Colquhoun
Composer & performer – George Jenkins
Collaborator & Co-director – Eli Randle
Collaborator & Co-director – Izzie Major
Lighting design – Phil Saunders
Stage Manager - Phoebe McSweeney
Sound design – Luke Thomas
Other creative collaborators – Jamie Wood, Mandy Redvers Rowe
Producer – RAWD